कट्टर मशीन प्रीत एग्रो 3 फैन 3 स्पीड गियर 5 जॉइंट 14*16*18 हेड 80 mm शाफ़्ट
✅✅फुल हेवी ड्यूटी कटर मशीन।🔥🔥
कट्टर मशीन टेस्टिंग जीरो वाइब्रेशन
फुल हेवी ड्यूटी कटर मशीन।MS wheel :-220 kgsChaddar :-10 gChasis :- Vizag
ट्रैक्टर का निकला हुआ काला जला तेल कुट्टी मशीन के बेलन पे डालना है
✅✅चारा मशीन ब्लेड्स क्यों तोड़ती है ?💯💯
✅✅कुट्टी मशीन में छोई क्यों आती है?+91-8837513821/9413068842💯💯
✅✅थ्री स्पीड कुट्टी मशीन। +91-8837513821/9413068842💯💯
हेवी ड्यूटी कटर मशीन।10 गेज चद्दर टाटा।220 kgs लोहे का व्हील टाटा विजाग का चेचिस। +91-8837513821
एक ही कट्टर में इतने सारे फायदे! पूछताछ के लिए कॉल करें: +91-8837513821/9413068842
All About Preet Agro
Preet Agro are the most makers and providers of nature of Agricultural Threshers. was set up in the 1993 by Great Lakhvinder Singh. We have extremely dedicated and we have additionally high acknowledgment and notoriety Rajasthan State and whole of India.
So our is to convey the administrations, quality items and the time conveyance Preet Agro has strived for uncommon quality, imaginative outlines and reliability in its actualizes. This has made the organization very much regarded and perceived inside the farming business of Rajasthan, and also past its fringes.
A continuous innovative work guarantees that Preet Agro items stay at the bleeding edge of current innovation, both in new item outline and in the improvement of existing models.
Fulfilling the hardware needs of little and in addition medium scale ranchers.
A family-run business, Preet Agro is without a doubt a main authority with regards to agrarian and cultivating gear. Its complete scope of value agrarian hardware keeps on demonstrating its unwavering quality, viability and usefulness a seemingly endless amount of time.